Video Surveilance System

MOTTO :  Don’t retain details. RECORD THEM !

In extension of the regular burglary detection system, the video surveillance system can become crucial in some aspects:

  • Real time surveillance of protected perimeters and possible suspect persons ;
  • Events recording and archiving for later checking and use as legal probes in a court of law.

Depending on the type and configuration of the protected perimeter, the video surveillance systems can cover a wide area of applications :

  • Perimeter surveillance ;
  • Activity surveillance indoor or outdoor;
  • Access points surveillance ;
  • Traffic surveillance.

One of the greatest achievements in this field is the digital technology. Starting with the recording on hard drive support and continuing with the digital transmission of picture and real time image through the internet or dedicated/private transmission network, it’s fair to say that the necessity for video surveillance systems has grown along with their complexity and efficiency.